Three Different Types of Business Attire

Navigating the different types of business attire can at first feel a little daunting!
I remember when I first started business school, seriously questioning WHY there were so many different types and HOW I would ever know what’s meant to be worn for when.
But once you figure out the difference, it’s easy to know when you should wear what! In 2018, most workplace dress codes seem to range from casual to business professional, but it’s important to be familiar with all different types of business attire as you never know when you’ll need it!
Business Casual attire means laid-back but still very well-kept and put together. This looks like a pair of cropped dress pants or a skirt (usually, bare legs are A-OK as long as you’re skirt is a modest length) and a sweater, or a blouse or button-up.
Acceptable shoes would be loafers, boots, flats, heels, and even nice sandals with a heel.
Depending on your workplace, this could be a typical day’s office look or at least a Casual Friday. Where people get confused is by thinking Business Casual equates with Casual… which it does not. Avoid the 3 R’s: all things ripped, ragged, or revealing.
WHEN TO WEAR: Casual Friday, Afternoon Conference, Work Travel Days
Business Professional attire is what you would wear to an interview or an important meeting in which your appearance makes the first impression! This could mean a pantsuit like I’m wearing here, or a dress/skirt(with pantyhose) and a blazer. If you’re opting for business professional, a simple tip is to always wear a jacket or blazer. And close-toed shoes, ALWAYS. There really is no exception.
I read once in an article from GirlBoss that you should never carry a large bag into an interview and as someone who always totes a large bag to and from work, I really questioned it. But when I read/thought about it further, it made total sense — bringing it all makes you come across as unorganized, a little frantic, and messy. But keeping it simple with a small handbag or thin briefcase makes you come off as at ease, put together, and confident. I always remember this as a rule of thumb when dressing in Business Professional attire.
WHEN TO WEAR: Job Interview, Client Meeting, Day at the Office
There are mixed opinions on exactly what Business Formal encompasses. But to me, Business Formal is of course, formal, but while remaining very professional. Typically this is the style you would opt for when attending a formal gala or a banquet. This could include a fancy (but modest) dress, a sophisticated jumpsuit, or a sleek pantsuit. In my opinion, this type of attire is less of office wear and more of “evening work event” wear.
WHEN TO WEAR: Formal Gala, Fundraiser Dinner, Office Holiday Party