Plant A Plant with 7-Eleven

Procaffeinate with purpose with 7-Eleven’s Buy This Cup, Plant A Plant campaign!
As a major procaffeinator myself, with 7-Eleven’s announcement that they will be planting a plant for every hot beverage sold, you can bet I’ve been starting my mornings off with their Golden Bean award-winning Exclusive Blend coffee. If you’re going to buy your java somewhere, why not make your purchase count by also contributing to the restoration of our beautiful country’s natural landscapes? As a born & bred Canadian, I feel sooo grateful for the beautiful nature available to us. But it’s not to be taken for granted…
There’s no doubt about it, 2018 has been a year of mass progress for bringing about awareness of environmental responsibility. I truly believe this stems from the work of us regular consumers who have begun demanding that stores, companies, and restaurants start taking steps toward leaving a lesser impact on our environment and world. 7-Eleven Canada has taken this to heart by launching what I see as one of the first, major, sustainability initiatives in the convenience industry!
With their program, Buy This Cup, Plant A Plant, 7-Eleven will offset their carbon footprint by partnering with Restoration Packaging. This meaning that with every hot beverage cup sold, a plant will be planted at a local restoration site, right here in our province. As a result of your coffee purchase at 7-Eleven, over 20 million plants could be planted throughout Canada just this year alone!
To make things better, 7-Eleven is taking their environmental responsibility a step further with their hot beverage refill program. If you bring in a recyclable cup, you’ll receive $0.50 refills. My tip? Leave a reusable plastic mug in your car — anytime you’re feeling a cup of joe, you’ll have it right there to fill up responsibly & sustainably!
To kick off #PlantAPlant, 7-Eleven Canada locations will be giving away their small Exclusive Blend Coffee and hot beverages for FREE from November 19th-24th to all 7Rewards Members. Just download the 7-Eleven App to participate. And for all of you Winnipeggers, don’t even act like ya don’t love free as much as I do!
The next time you need to get your caffeine fix on the go, remember the opportunity you have to make a difference, just by procaffeinating with purpose, thanks to 7-Eleven and Buy This Cup, Plant A Plant!
For more information on 7-Eleven Canada’s Buy This Cup, Plant a Plant program, please visit and check out the video detailing the campaign below!
This post was sponsored by 7-Eleven Canada, but all opinions are my own!