8 Things to Do While Social Distancing

8 Things to Do While Social Distancing

It’s been all of one week since we’ve been in quarantine or social-distancing due to the landscape of the world right now and I think I can speak for everyone when I say I’m already running out of things to do. With this, I’ve rounded up 8 things to do while social distancing to keep busy and feel productive during the endless days and nights at home.

As an introverted extrovert, I love my fair share of time alone, staying in instead of going out on Friday nights. But when you’re actually put in a position of being restricted from going to the office, the gym, to restaurants, markets, festivals, etc., it’s amazing how much you miss it. One week in and I’m a little concerned for how long this pandemic is going to last, and the long term impact it’s going to leave on us physically, economically, socially, and mentally.

With that being said, we still need to live our lives as normally as possible during this difficult time. And with that, take advantage of our newly gained extra free time at home! I’ve pulled together a list of different projects or activities or things do while social distancing or while under quarantine!

  1. Go through your makeup/products. If you’re like me and have a stockpile of makeup and hair or beauty products collected over years, there’s a pretty good chance you don’t use all of these or some may actually already be expired. Knowing that, there’s never been a better time to go through your collection and get rid of those you don’t (or shouldn’t) use.
  2. Take an online course or learn something new. Instead of mindless scrolling during your spare time, why not take that course or learn that skill you’ve always wanted to but could never find the time. I’m currently taking a Facebook Advertising course, and I also enrolled in free course held by Harvard University, called “The Science of Well-Being”. Websites like Skillshare are the perfect place to find relevant courses to keep working your mind and building your resume.
  3. Try different at-home workouts. We all get wrapped up in our daily workout routines, whether it’s a running on the treadmill at home, taking a spin class, hitting the weights at GoodLife, or bootcamp at OrangeTheory, but with all gyms closed it’s the perfect opportunity to pull out your old weights and yoga mat and explore the world of online fitness classes. With so many studios hosting live streamed class (see @thecommunitygym @thefitual @dancebody @wheelhousecycleclub + SO MANY MORE) or companies with on-demand classes (I’m trying Obé), it’s the perfect opportunity to mix up your routine and keep your body moving while stuck indoors.
  4. Make a to-do list. Keep yourself accountable by creating a to-do list for your day, week, and even month. Seeing your tasks and goals laid on on paper helps to keep you motivated and organized with all that you want to get done. It’s a surefire way to actually do the things you need to do, as there really is no better feeling than striking out your completed items.
  5. Organize the photos on you computer/phone. I think we can all agree that while we may have thousands of photo-evidence of our memories from the past decade and a half, they’re probably more than likely a giant mess on your phone or computer. With multiple images of the same thing (cue Instagram perfectionism), or messy folders of photos scattered throughout your laptop, iPhone X, old family PC, and iPhone 1, we could all benefit by sorting through our photos and making sure they’re backed up for easy future access.
  6. Create a workspace. Whether you’re already working from home or are soon to be, spend some time creating a workspace that will allow you to be comfortable and productive. Despite the couch sounding pretty appealing to spend the day working, you’ll get much more done if you have an office-like set up to camp out for the day with all the things (and space) you need to get sh!t done.
  7. Start a new routine. Whether it’s reading before bed each night, a 5-step skincare technique, or meditating before starting your day, it’s the perfect time to start a new routine as we’re all looking for some normalcy in our lives right now, and the extra time we’ve been given will make it easier to incorporate into your day!
  8. Spend time on that idea or dream business. We always say “if only I had more time, I’d start X business”. Well, now you have the time to put into it. Whether it’s focusing on your blog, or putting together a business plan, take advantage of this opportunity cause you may never have time like this again.

There it is! 8 things to do while social distancing. If this lasts as long as they’re saying it might, there will be a lot more where these came from but at least it’s a start to keep you productive and not spending days on days watching Netflix from the couch! OK — a few hours of Netflix a night never hurt anybody, but let’s at least try to use this time to better ourselves and make things happen!

Looking for more ways to keep busy? Check out my post on 3 Positive Habits to Incorporate into Your Day or Finding Your Personal Brand!

What projects/activities/things do you plan on doing while social distancing? Let me know in the comments!